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Explore sheet music for lever harp, pedal harp, electric harp, and other various combinations. I included a "Gumroad's buyer mini-tutorial" on this website. Please read more below.

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Given that the vast majority of music scores sold on this site are made through the Gumroad platform, I have published a mini tutorial to facilitate the purchase of scores on the website

The mini-tutorial will guide you step by step from the moment you click “Buy on Gumroad” on a product on the Magic Harp Music Collections website, until the moment you save the product on your computer.

The tutorial can be found on Frequently Asked Questions page under “Gumroad’s buyer mini-tutorial (videos)”.

Regarding the scores you will find on this website, in addition to my compositions and arrangements, I will periodically recommend scores for harp, piano, harp methods and any other educational materials or music books that I consider valuable for a musician’s library.

Depending on the sheet music or materials I will find, these recommendations will send you to websites such as Sheet Music Plus, Amazon, Virtual Sheet Music® or Classical Sheet Music Downloads®. 

If you have any questions, please let me know.

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