Deep affection (E flat major)


Deep affection (E flat major) for lever/pedal harp by Roxana Moișanu


Deep affection (E flat major) by Roxana Moișanu • Magic Harp Music Collections

„I dedicate this work to my mother, to my sister, and to my life partner, for all the unconditional love and support they gave me in my life“ (Roxana Moișanu, June 15, 2020)

To all the greatest love in our lives!

Date of first publication online: June 19, 2020

This composition is part of a series of originals and improvisations for Celtic harp or Concert harp which will be published in the near future.

This piece is a very nice addition to a recital program for any: music festival, peaceful gatherings, harp meetings, yoga sessions, poetry reading, harp workshop for kids, weddings, gallery show openings, art exhibitions, theatrical shows, or any special event.

This musical work is playable on both lever or pedal harp (lever harp tuned in E flat major)

For Deep affection (C major) version please click here:

Deep affection (C major)

No lever changes!

Deep affection (E flat major) can be played for all kinds of special events you are performing such us: Harp Music Therapy, Concerts, Birthdays, Weddings, Recitals, Music Festivals, Tea parties, Harp lessons, Poetry Festival, Official openings, wine tasting, gallery shows, business dinners, movies, music gatherings and many more.

Additional information

Playable on:

Lever harp, Lever Electroacoustic harp, Pedal harp, Electric pedal harp, Electroacoustic pedal harp


Harp solo

Level of difficulty:

Intermediate, Advanced

Duration of music:



E flat major


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Deep affection (E flat major) for harp by Roxana Moișanu • - 1
Deep affection (E flat major)